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Raleigh Chopper Owners Club
Your Stories
This e-mail was sent to us from a Chopper fan in England.
(As with all the E-mails sent to us, we do NOT publish the senders name or e-mail address)
Here goes
When I was about 14 or 15 years old I wanted a Raleigh Chopper, but my parents
refused to buy me one. I thought that it was the end of ever owning one, but
that changed about four years ago, when I was 36 years old.
I was reading our local paper, through the "classified ads" when I
spotted the Raleigh Chopper for sale, I could not believe my eyes ! I phoned to
make sure it was not a joke and they said it was still for sale.
I dropped everything that evening and raced to look at it, about eight miles
away. An elderly gentleman answered the door and showed me the bike. he said it
was his daughters who had left home many years ago, got married and had children
of her own. he was fed up with it cluttering up his garage.
My dream had come true, I could not get it in the car quick enough and for the
price of £25.00, yes twenty five pounds. what is it worth now ?
Everything is original including the tyres, the only part I have restored are
the alloy wheels, which I had sand blasted, re-sprayed and lacquered.
I give it the occasional clean and polish and a spin to the local shops and that's
it. I would love to buy and restore another one, I am totally hooked HELP!!