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Raleigh Chopper Owners Club
Your Stories
This e-mail was sent to me from a Chopper fan in the England.
(As with all the E-mails sent to us, we do NOT publish the senders name or e-mail address)
Hi Mark.
I cannot wait to see your web site. Here is my story.
A bit like yourself I always wanted a Raleigh Chopper, but I
ended up with a Raleigh Chipper. Later on at school I had a friend who had a
Raleigh Chopper and we decided to try three people on this bike, down a very
steep hill. I was driving, and off we went. All was going well when, the
steering started to wobble and we crashed. Some how my other two friends on the
bike landed on me, and I ended up in hospital having four stitches in my knee.
Then the years passed, and I had forgot all about Raleigh
Choppers until about a month ago. I was looking on "",
for something, and I saw those words from my childhood "Raleigh
Chopper". It all came back to me, the bike I always wanted.
Now here we are a month later and I now own ten Raleigh
Choppers. I have every colour they made the mk2 Chopper in, and a mk1 3 speed,
and a mk1 5 speed. It is just a phase I am going through, but like yourself I
will not sell some of them. If you look on ebay, I am now selling a fizzy yellow
mk2, and lots of parts, I think there is ten lots.
The other thing is ,my children all have nice new bikes, but
even all these years later, they would swop them for a Raleigh Chopper. They are
just like we use to be, to small to ride them, but what ever happens they will
both be given one when they are big enough to ride them.
Take care,