loaded up and ready to go!
This was taken off
the Raleigh Chopper Marketplace, on 25/09/2002
"Friends Neighbours and Relatives,
Lend me yours ears but for a few moments
Within his wisdom the great lord above says I must go, with
that, I bade farewell to my flat and head off on my chopper.
Ok guys, ill catch up later, I have a disappearing act to do, I
will be keeping an eye on these boards from time to time tho, so
NO misbehaving !!! lol
Catch ya laters guys".
Ron Whitmill RCOC rep, and Chopper Rider Extraordinaire
A note to Ron, from
the Raleigh Chopper Owners Club (RCOC)
Ron has
always had a great love of Raleigh Choppers, and he has, and
always will be, a good club Rep, and Member. "Good luck
