Years Day Cruise 2003
A new years day
cruise around London. These pictures were emailed in by Des. The
day was very wet, but it seems everyone had a great time. Below
is a note from Des taken from the Raleigh Chopper Marketplace.
(Jan 1st 2003)
did you do new years day dad. Well kids with a hangover I joined
20 odd other nutters on choppers and rode around london in the
p*ssing rain and had some daft malt rattling her klakers round
me lugoles ( thanks mandy headache gone now ) . anyway had a
great time nice people nice bikes ( apart from that snide SE
with the vekta wheels total sh*te ) would I do it again next
year ? yeh course I will hangover permitting yours feeling
better now Des.
allow 20 seconds to download 7 pictures)
