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Raleigh Chopper Owners Club
Your Stories
This e-mail was sent to us from a Chopper fan in the USA.
(As with all the E-mails sent to us, we do NOT publish the senders name or e-mail address)
I have to tell you my Chopper story...probably similar
to many other people's. I am 33 years old...the
youngest of four kids in the family. I hung out a lot
with my next older brother (5-years difference). His
best friend had an orange three-speed Chopper. I was
three years old (1971) when I got to ride double on
the back of the Chopper. I remember it like
yesterday. From that point on, all I could think
about was having my own Chopper. My parents still
have a letter to Santa Claus that I had scribbled
about wanting a Chopper bike. I was too small at the
time to ride one anyway, but wanted one none the
less... Since I hung out with my older brother all the
time, I wanted to have the same stuff that he and his
friends had. When I got older, I anxiously awaited
my birthdays hoping a Chopper would show up. I
remember being in third grade, and drooling over a red
Mark 2 Chopper at a local bike shop. Well, about a
month before my birthday, my Mom had read a Ralph
Nader article about how dangerous Choppers are. On my
birthday, we drove to the Raleigh dealership two towns
away. My brother and his friend came along. I could
taste that new Chopper....this was MY day.. We got to
the dealership, I ran straight to the red Mark 2
(there was a yellow one next to it), totally smiling,
almost pissing my pants, afraid to touch it, happened... Out rolled a new model bike
that looked like a motorcycle. It was the dream of
any parent, but the nightmare of a chopper-freak
child. Loaded with safety features, a big knobly
front wheel, fake gas tank, shock front and rear....
I was not happy... Then, the owner of the shop looks
at my Mom and says, "your son will have more fun with
this bike, it's safer, and besides; Nobody wants a
chopper anymore!...I can't sell these two." The
choppers were on sale for $65.00 and this new bike was
You're thinking what I'm thinking; "Give me both the
Choppers, and stick that other bike up your Ralph
Nader worshiping ass you narcesistic bike dealer!"
Anyway, you know what happened..... Pissed of at the
world, I got the other bike. My childhood would have
been so much different if I only had a Chopper....
My adulthood became a Chopper obsession. I looked
around and finally found an orange mark 1 three-speed.
(I was 18 at the time). Pre-ebay days where it was
hard to find such items.... I bought the bike, but
realized that an 18 year old no longer rides
children's bikes. (I had a Porsche 911 already, what
do I need with a chopper). On a whim, I sold the bike
through the Want Ad Press for $50.00 (blew the money
on a date), then realized what an idiot I was. So, I
looked around some more and found nothing out there.
To shorten this story, years later, I located a
classic bike dealer, told him what I wanted, and paid
a premium for the 10-speed. Then, I found another
one....paid big $ for that one, too... Then, I came
across a green 5-speed mark 1. So, now I have three
Choppers, only need one.... I'm going to keep one of
the 10-speeds until I die.... I realize that the
10-speeds are super rare, and are going up in value.
It doesn't shock me, because they are, in my opinion,
the ultimate bike. They are the only 10-speed small
front wheel bikes ever made. The Schwinn Krate bikes
don't even measure up....
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