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Raleigh Chopper Owners Club

                                                               Your Stories

                                     This e-mail was sent to me from aChopper fan in the UK.

         (As with all the E-mails sent to us, we do NOT publish the senders name or e-mail address)


Choppers seem to take over your life.
I started out looking for a Chopper cos I didn't get one when I was young. When I eventually got one a few years back I had to keep on going, collecting more and more bits, more bikes and so on.
The garage was full so I had to find somewhere else to store them, thats when it got expensive. I decided to convert my loft.
£10,000 later and here I am sat up here with all my bikes and my computer in a nice big room with carpet and radiators nice and warm and dry with cupboards full of Chopper bits. MAD. They do get out for runs in summer but that's about it.
By the way I noticed the address on the packing for the wheel rim was Hartley Witney. My Grandfather came from there. I visited Hartley Witney in the mid seventies, probably changed a bit since then though.
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