2002. This is the last few minutes of Bruce's life.
the pictures from Billing 2002 still keep coming in. This is
Bruce the club mascot alive and well. Everything was fine, and
everyone enjoying a great day. But then came in, the mad dog
himself. Yes kaiser b. The air was still, and everyone went
quite. Women and children fled. People started to pack up there
tents, and pretend the weekend had never happened. Kaiser b,
laid down next to Bruce and tried to clean his trainers on
Bruce's paw. Bruce just stared at Kaiser, and said nothing. The
rest is history!

b, stood up and looking into Bruce's eyes, he reached into his
pocket and pulled out a lighter. People were crying, knowing
what was coming. Is this the end of the Club mascot? Then it
happened! Bruce had upset the mad dog Kaiser b. There was
NO resistance from Bruce, and Kaiser had just cracked. The crowd
were shouting "NO NO NO", but nothing was going to
stop Kaiser b.
rest is now history. God bless Bruce, and all who knew him.
