24th May 2002
After 4 years of setting up
the "Raleigh chopper market place" and making it the most
successful message board in the Raleigh Chopper world, Pat
has decided it's time to have a rest from the board. As a club,
the Raleigh Chopper Owners Club has decided to purchase the
Market Place from Pat, and continue to run it in the same way it has been
running for over 4 years.
are a few words from Pat,
Hi everybody- It is with some regret that I am announcing my
'retirement' from the Raleigh Chopper Marketplace. Increasing
pressures of work have made it difficult for me to pay it the
necessary attention of late, so I have decided to put the
running of it into the very capable hands of RCOC. I'm
sure he'll do an excellent job and I would like to thank
everybody for supporting this site over the last four years-I
have come into contact with some really nice (and some not so
nice!) people during this time, and would like to wish
everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY!) good luck and happy
Choppering in the future.
Pat the ex-webmaster